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GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST 2023: Get your Tickets now!


from 12 to 16 June 2023, the Bright World of Metals will again be orbiting Düsseldorf, Germany. With more than 2,100 exhibitors from around 50 countries, the four leading international trade fairs in their sectors GIFA (foundry trade fair), METEC (metallurgy trade fair), THERMPROCESS (thermal process technology trade fair) und NEWCAST (cast product trade fair) are the perfect platforms for expert exchange.

At GIFA – METEC – THERMPROCESS – NEWCAST 2023, you can experience technological innovations, meet global market leaders and innovative start-ups and attend top-class presentations at the forums and conferences. Whether you are looking for new business opportunities, interesting product highlights or technological solutions, you are sure to find them at the world’s leading trade fairs for the metallurgical industries in Düsseldorf!
From electric cars to wind power: Innovations made of iron, steel and non-ferrous metals are the prerequisites for climate-neutral industry. With new processes and technologies to reduce and prevent CO₂ emissions, the increasing use of renewable energies and hydrogen instead of coal, the Bright World of Metals is on the way to a climate-neutral future.

Accompany us on this journey, experience GIFA – METEC – THERMPROCESS – NEWCAST 2023 and book your ticket today!

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Düsseldorf soon!

Yours sincerely,

Your Bright World of Metals Team at Messe Düsseldorf


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstr. 61
40474 Düsseldorf

Tel: +49 211 4560-01
Fax: +49 211 4560-668

Amtsgericht Düsseldorf HRB 63

Geschäftsführung: Wolfram N. Diener (Vorsitzender), Marius Berlemann, Bernhard J. Stempfle

Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Oberbürgermeister Dr. Stephan Keller

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